Our Services

Innovative Government Solutions, LLC serves as your strategic business partner to develop and direct effective responses to your organization’s government and public affairs challenges. Whether you need to shape public opinion, persuade policymakers, or approach the media, you must be able to positively influence your target audience. The government and public affairs team at IGS, LLC will work to provide a “one-stop advocacy shop” for you, our client. We possess the professional experience required to help your organization effectively and successful advocate your position.

  • Establish clear goals and strategies with clients to achieve legislative objectives
  • Development of a reporting protocol to the client
  • Strategic and political analysis
  • Develop goals/objectives and presentation content for meetings with the Members of the Tennessee General Assembly, City Council Members and County Commissioners
  • Traditional lobbying services – monitor legislations and recommend/implement course of action
  • Coalition – building support of legislative strategy
  • Monitor all proposed legislation which will impact our clients and alert them to possible outcomes
  • Coordinate the drafting of legislation and amendments for adoption
  • Develop coalitions where needed to achieve the legislative objective
  • Arrange client meetings with key government officials and staff.
  • Represent clients at trade association meetings and strategy sessions
  • Monitor and participate in interim legislative meetings, task forces, and blue ribbon commissions
  • Research and analyze voting records of incumbents
  • Monitor, research and evaluate the political landscape for incumbents and challengers in an election year
  • Recommend to clients political contribution strategies
  • Maintain proper registration and monthly reporting with the s tate Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) for firm members and clients
  • Fundraising, Political Action Committee (PAC), and 527 Development
  • Research laws, rules and regulations that may affect our clients
  • Report on governmental news that may be pertinent to our clients
  • Monitor proposed legislation and provide regular legislative updates
  • Attend political fundraisers and events on behalf of our clients
  • Provide state, county and municipal legislative and executive branch lobbying to advance client’s interests.
  • Draft legislation as well as amendments and comments on proposed rules, in addition to preparing specific position papers to achieve client goals.
  • Create an integrated communications program to educate and/or influence the target audience on key client issues or simply enhance the client’s image.
  • Utilize grassroots messaging, advocacy newsletters and direct mail to influence public opinion or mobilize advocates into action.
  • Incorporate mass media opportunities to leverage and strengthen the client’s key messages.
  • Develop online tools, such as advocacy Web sites and customized e-mail contact systems, to achieve results.
  • Provide client spokesperson training.
  • Track media coverage and provide a grassroots response as appropriate.
  • Leverage coalition resources to generate additional media opportunities.
  • Develop strategic crisis communications plans
  • Identify grassroots/grasstops opportunities to advocate the client’s position; develop and/or utilize a client’s contact database to enhance mobilization activities.
  • Create “calls to action” which will mobilize advocates to speak on the client’s behalf.
  • Formulate key messaging to generate deliverables in the areas of direct mail, letters to editor, opinion editorials, Web- based communication, etc.
  • Train clients to best utilize existing contacts to influence public or legislative opinion.
  • Develop coalitions to mobilize additional interested parties with similar goals.
  • Planning annual conferences and legislative-member functions; managing event costs; and developing a process for evaluating the event’s effectiveness.

Consulting, Lobbying,Voter Participating Metrics,Political Evaluation,Electon Strategy, Tennessee, Memphis, IGS