About Us

Our mission at IGS, LLC is to provide solutions for our clients, by influencing critical public policy issues through our government affairs services. If you have challenges in these areas, IGS, LLC has the resources, vision and experience necessary to help you attain your desired result. Our firm is committed to being a valued, dependable business partner to you, our client.

We pride ourselves on understanding your business. Our lobbyists, consultants and public relations officers work on behalf of a broad and diverse set of clients. IGS, LLC works with our client base to establish clear goals and objectives. With an implementation strategy that includes coalition building, a communication plan, and a reporting protocol. Our intensely focused and targeted lobbying campaigns are designed to exceed your expectations and goals. Bi-partisanship, it’s a simple word that constitutes IGS, LLC’s style and strong ethical roots. A phrase that denotes cooperation and working in the spirit of humankind… an attitude that permeates the firm’s every endeavour.

Through our bi-partisan style IGS, LLC has cultivated a reputation for top-shelf political advocacy by working closely with the Executive and Legislative branches of Tennessee State Government as well as County and Municipal entities. Our reputation has earned respect and acclaim from other clients, policymakers and even our competitors!

Just so you know, our firm consults and lobby on both sides of the aisle not seek solely republican or democratic representatives. We know, in order to be effective in direct lobbying and issue advocacy, a progressive and effective firm has to be able to deal with all decision makers. Through our commitment to this bipartisan approach, we have proven our ability to work with leaders on both sides. We represent our clients well.

Our Services & Information

  • Establish clear goals and strategies with clients to achieve legislative objectives
  • Development of a reporting protocol to the client
  • Strategic and political analysis
  • Develop goals/objectives and presentation content for meetings with the Members of the Tennessee General Assembly, City Council Members and County Commissioners
  • Traditional lobbying services – monitor legislations and recommend/implement course of action
  • Coalition – building support of legislative strategy
  • Monitor all proposed legislation which will impact our clients and alert them to possible outcomes
  • Coordinate the drafting of legislation and amendments for adoption
  • Develop coalitions where needed to achieve the legislative objective

Consulting, Lobbying,Voter Participating Metrics,Political Evaluation,Electon Strategy, Tennessee, Memphis, IGS